hey yo! welcometomyblog!
peiling here, 15 and a jwss student.
im a NETBALLER and i love GA.
so yeah, im just myself, always smile to make the day brighter.
so, thats me.
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EL lesson. ..ah.
damn embarrasing. i was kena chosen to present.
my posture and hand gesture...uhmm.. wth
physics aft sch lesson was so funny, while mr chia was perparing the visualizer, gen wanted to perform magic or sth,
she asked me to hold the rubber band with 2 fingers left hand and right hand.
she took another rubber band then go through my hands and pull very hard out.
i didnt hold it tightly, then the rubberband all smack on her face, ithink its damn pain.
but couldnt stop laughing, thats so bad man. sorry. LOl. i apologise.
if the eng video taken is posted out, i dk where to hide my face :/
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